Healthcare Mailing Lists



Trusted by Industry Leaders Including:

Updated Daily, Phone Verified Regularly & Processed Against the USPS National Change of Address Database Monthly

With the rising cost of print & postage, we understand that the accuracy & integrity of the mailing lists you use is paramount. The difference between a list that is 90% accurate and one that is 99% accurate often equates to thousands of dollars in wasted print & postage for our clients. This is why we take every measure possible to ensure that the information we keep on file within our medical mailing lists is accurate and up-to-date.

Historically, we see delivery rates of 99%+. Not surprising, since we update daily, NCOA and delivery point validate monthly, phone verify regularly and CASS certify all records!

How much could we have saved you on postage with your last direct mail campaign? Contact us today to find out!

Some of our Medical Mailing Lists Include:

  • Get a Quote Now

  • How soon do you need this list?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

In submitting this form, I accept IMD's terms of service, general privacy and online privacy policies, and consent to allow IMD to store and process the personal information submitted above to communicate with me, provide me with services and fulfill my request. IMD does not sell the personal information you provide in this form and does not share this information for any purpose other than to fulfill your request.
REQUEST MORE INFO or CALL 877-888-4142